Small Group Classes
Powerful Practices for Body-Mind, Connection, & the Study of Self
Virtual Classes Coming in June!
(Scroll down to learn more about what The Experience is all about!)
“The Original Series” a 3-part experience exploring presence, ritual, and connection.
Session 1: Creating a personal morning ritual for connection
Session 2: Re-turning to Self
Session 3: The witness and the witnessed
June 2nd, 23rd, & July 14th 12:00-2:00pm CST
WHERE: Virtual classes are held via Zoom.
Pricing & Limited Space:
$300 for the series
The Experience series is deeply explorational and interactive. Space is limited.
APPLY: Please fill out the following application and our team will get back to you regarding your interest, alignment with the program, and availability.
What is “The Experience”?
Offered in a small-group setting, The Experience classes teach people to hear their own wisdom and create transformative connection.
Each class will:
Guide you in meaningful explorations building body-mind connection and self-trust
Help you access your own personal wisdom
Introduce unique themes to explore
Create a safe space to share, learn, and be witnessed in a life-changing way
The Experience classes are for people interested in deepening their connection with Self, spirit, and what it is to be human. In each class, you will have the opportunity to explore verbally and through bodymind explorations. You will feel the wisdom in your own body and hear the wisdom of your own voice in a way you’ve never experienced before. You will be inspired by others. And you will leave with a deepened understanding of how presence can transform your life.
(Please note: If the current dates and times do not work for you or you live in The Twin Cities and prefer an in-person group, be sure to sign up for my email list at the bottom of this page to receive new class updates. I will continually announce more in-person and virtual opportunities.)
Why Group Classes? What Are the Benefits?
Deepening your self-practice while being witnessed is profound.
The connection is simultaneously humbling and empowering. Inspiring others when you least expect it, receiving inspiration from your classmates, moving out of shyness and into awe, understanding you are not alone.
Compassion and curiosity increase (for self and others)— infusing your life outside the group experience.
Exploring bodymind connection within a group normalizes FEELING Self/your own presence as a life skill.
Being witnessed when confused, vulnerable, curious, and in awe invites you into new depths in your daily life.
Working within these groups is a remembering. Remembering how to witness and be witnessed. “You forget how you once saw so clearly the brave outline of a single leaf. You forget how you were ravished each morning by the presence of birdsong.“ - David Whyte.
You may no longer trust your own grief, confusion, and longing. But, when you hear each of these coming through the sacred body of another human being in The Experience, you give yourself permission to wander into the holiness of that which you don’t understand in yourself.
“The biggest thing this experience did for me personally was make me feel less alone. Sometimes soul work or healing can feel lonely. But the learning I experienced in this group felt very witnessed.” - Participant 2023
Extra Support
The Experience classes offer a safe and supportive space to explore, practice, and cultivate new awareness and skills.
Additionally, I offer a limited number of 20-minute phone sessions for class participants each week. In these sessions, you can ask me private questions and process class content and your experience as needed.
Phone sessions are on Thursdays and Fridays.
Interested in Future Classes?
Wether these dates don’t work for you or you’re interested in updates on future topics, please add your information to my mailing list at the bottom of the page so you know when new offerings are available (in-person or virtual) ASAP!
Participant Testimonials
“I am learning that there is so much about my Self I have yet to discover or I feel shy to go towards. This group gives me courage and it gives me a space to practice being seen/heard/felt into existence.”
“I am so deeply appreciative of this offering. It is so rich and communal. I also love (love love love) the topics and the surprise element each time — getting to see what we get to discover together.”
“I am loving the extraordinary qualities in the other participants. Their insights and self discoveries are gold, and I love watching it unfold. It is so inspiring.”
“I found a deeper understanding of my ability to listen, relate and show up with compassion.”
“Group classes with Mary helped turn up the volume on me paying attention to myself, my intuition, and trusting self. It’s easier now for me to trust what my body is telling me.”
“I felt a deeper connection with fellow travelers on a journey.”